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Twitter relaxes the upper limit of tweets to 280 characters, but Chinese is not enough

Today, Twitter has expanded the upper limit of tweets from 140 characters to 280 characters. "New York Times" reporter Mike Isaac wrote this report on his Twitter:

The first sentence of this article is composed of 140 characters, so that we can show the maximum length of a tweet for a long time.

But Twitter is changing the format of tweets. On Tuesday, the company said that almost all of its 330 million users can tweet in 280 words—that is, the total number of words in this tweet. Twitter said that expanding the word limit can encourage people to push more content.

In an earlier test, Twitter found that people’s 280-character tweets received more “likes”, retweets, and engagement, and people spent more time on Twitter than before. In addition, the company said that although longer tweets increased at the beginning, only 5% of tweets exceeded 140 words.

"People who participated in the test told us that the higher word limit allows them to better express themselves on Twitter, find high-quality content, and are more satisfied with Twitter as a whole," said Twitter, and expressed the hope that this change will promote People visit Twitter frequently.

The company said it still maintains a 140-character limit for users who only post tweets in Japanese, Korean or Chinese. The characters of these languages usually allow people to express more ideas in fewer words, so adding more words seems unnecessary.

Twitter has been working hard to make its services available to billions of users who are accustomed to using Facebook without any restrictions. But maybe the company has found some way: every paragraph after the first paragraph of this article has 280 words, and you have already read it.